Monday, June 12, 2006

Palestinian State Update

AP News Alert:
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) Palestinian security forces have set fire to the Cabinet building, and flames are spreading quickly.
Yes, let's get these people a country of their very own just as soon as possible.

UPDATE: Another AP News Alert:
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) Fatah gunmen say they have kidnapped a Hamas lawmaker.
Neither of these groups are ready to lead a state...

Mark's Remarks

The notion of a Palestinian state of ethnic Palestinians being "restored" is a myth anyway. While there may have been a land called Palestine, there was never a country controlled by Palestinians. In fact, the term did not even exist until Colonial times, and it applied to Jews and Arabs. Most who call themselves Palestinians now would have simply called themselves Arabs.

These idiots killing each other are the same people the left calls freedom fighters. However, where is the Left to condemn the violence done by Jordan against Palestinian refugees? Where is the cries for Jordan to give up some of its land, which was part of the mythical claims of Palestine? Hmm? Wait, it doesn't fit into their template of America as big satan and Israel as little satan. MY bad. Keep those blinders on, MSM....

AS for you lefties, here is all you have been fighting for in full view. You call Iraq hopeless and a quagmire, but these morons can't even create a state after it has been given to them? They have had four decades to plan out what to do in exile, but instead they have been plotting hijackings, rapings, killings. Shows they should have spent more time thinking about governing, eh?