Monday, June 12, 2006

Wanted: Dead or Alive

AP News Alert:
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) Al-Qaida in Iraq says its new leader is a militant it identifies as Abu Hamza al-Muhajer.
This guy must have really wanted a target on his head...

Mark's Remarks

The media has a new darling to be infatuated with. It is making me ill how the DriveBy, Dinosaur media is reacting to the death of Zarqawi. First, it was: this is going to usher in the bloodiest days ever in Iraq, this weekend will be a hell on earth. Now that that tact hasn't resonated, now that it looks like most in Iraq, to quote Jack Napier from Batman feel like "I'm glad you're dead" Zarqawi; we have to have a new angle: the American soldiers and their commanders are evil, immoral animals.

Why do I say this? Look at many of the stories since Saturday, they deal with asking the questions of: should we have been worried about others who were in the unsafehouse? Should we have been concerned for their feelings? Shouldn't we have done studies on the impact to the environment? GOOD GOD! If we had acted this much like pansies in WWII, half of us would be speaking German and the other half would be speaking Japanese.

It is ridiculous. These people are not just sympathetic to the terrorists, they are downright against the American soldiers. I agree with the posting from before, in war games, the media should be able to be used as a tool against the US government, because, after all, in real life, al Queda is already using them against the US.