Tuesday, September 19, 2006

CAIR: Anti-Islam Bias is Up

This just in from Al Jazeera:

The Council on American-Islamic Relations' (CAIR) said in the report published on Monday that there were 1,972 cases of anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in 2005, the highest number of civil rights cases ever recorded in the Washington-based group's annual report.

The Struggle for Equality study said that was a 29.6 per cent increase from 2004's 1,522 cases.

Nine states accounted for almost 79 per cent of all civil rights complaints made to the civil rights group.

California and Illinois recorded the highest number of all complaints with 19 and 13 per cent respectively, and New Jersey had the lowest with 4 per cent.

Arsalan Iftikhar, CAIR’s legal director, blamed the media.

"We believe the biggest factor contributing to anti-Muslim feeling and the resulting acts of bias is the growth in Islamophobic rhetoric that has flooded the internet and talk radio in the post-9/11 era," he said.

"By all accounts, racial profiling, harassment, and discrimination of Muslim and Arab Americans have increased since 9/11."
Of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the so-called "moderate" Muslims haven't been forceful in condemning the acts of their Islamofascist brethern. Not at all. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

In the five years since 9/11, so-called "moderate" Muslims have had a chance to prove that Islam is a "religion of peace". Have they done so? Not by my account. All the so-called "moderate" Muslims in this country can do is complain about increased scrutiny because they happen to fit the profile of our nation's enemy. The few Muslims who have volunteered for serive to this country are to be commended. But even in the service of our country, we have seen so-called "moderate" Muslims becaome Islamofascist terrorists attacking from within. What do the so-called "moderate" Muslims expect? That we should bear our necks so that we too may be slaughtered for not converting to the "religion of peace"?

Where is the so-called "moderate" Muslim outrage and condemnation for shooting this poor nun in the back? What did she do to deserve that? She didn't accurately quote a dead emperor, the pope did that.

The so-called "moderate" Muslims would do more for their cause by condeming Islamofascism than they do by criticizing the extra scrutiny that they received as people try to protect themselves from a very all-too-real threat. I'll point out that there is no way to tell a so-called "moderate" Muslim from an Islamofascist. Want to know why? Because the Islamofascists in the midst of these so-called "moderate" Muslims look and act just like they do. The Islamofascist cowards are too weak to put on a uniform and be recognized. The so-called "moderate" Muslims are just going to have to deal with it until they deal with it. The ball is in their court...it always has been. Islam needs a Reformation if we are all to survive.