Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Thailand Update

AP News Alert:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) The Thai military has launched a coup against Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, circling his offices with tanks and declaring a provisional authority.
This doesn't sound good at all...I've been following the news alerts on this all day and it doesn't sound like a good situation at all. Developing...

2:00PM Update: AP News Alert:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) Thailand's army commander takes over the reins of government and declares martial law.
It is done...

2:05PM Update: AP News Alert:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) Military revokes Thai constitution after staging coup.
That can't be good...

2:40PM Update: AP News Alert:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) A senior military officer says Thailand's armed forces chiefs have been meeting with the king to work out an interim government.
That's awful generous...

Meanwhile, STRATFOR is reporting that "[T]things are relatively calm in Bankgkok. No soldiers have been patrolling the streets, no curfew has been declared and the airport is open." Although I think this assessment may be from much earlier in the day as the brief doesn't say that the coup has already happened.

3:45PM Update: AP News Alert:
BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) A military spokesman says Thailand's army commander will become acting prime minister.
Gosh, sounds like those negotiations with the king went really well for those doing the couping...