Thursday, September 14, 2006

Democrats Faltering in Week One of NFL Season

Check this out from the American Thinker.

I have been saying this all along. As has Rush Limbaugh. Once again, we have been subjected to more and more wishful thinking on the part of the Democrats and their more than willing accomplices in the 527 Media. We have seen polls with whacked out demographics that also oversample Democrats and we're all supposed to be shocked when the only poll that matters on Election Day we get a result more in line with reality.

All of these polls, articles and editorials are designed to put the thought in your head that there is no way that the Democrats can lost and once again, many have fallen for it. We're all supposed to believe that America HATES George W. Bush, the war on terror, and all Republicans. It is absolutely nutty just how far out of touch these people actually are...

That said, there is no reason for Republicans to sit back...there is plenty of work to be done. Republicans can not drop the ball on a number of issues including, but not limited to, securing the borders. And it isn't just the elected Republicans who have a honey-do list to tackle...there are still plenty of tasks that each and every Republican needs to accomplish: contact the campaigns and pitch in wherever and whenever you can.

Keep the faith, folks...