Friday, September 29, 2006

Update from Space Command

Yesterday, Space Captain write-in Congressional candidate Nate Noy sent out a press release which he has since asked be redacted (which I have done here by placing XXXXX's where the name was):
Ohio Second Congressional District independent write-in candidate Nate Noy today continued on the path of his anti-corruption campaign trail by releasing comments he recently heard from a Second Congressional District voter regarding Jean Schmidt. While on the campaign trail Noy encountered XXXXXXX XXXXX a Pike County Ohio resident. When asked what he thought about Jean Schmidt, XXXXX responded that “That woman is a witch.”

XXXXX explained to Noy that he had met Ms. Schmidt and she was “the most unpleasant person I’ve ever met, she’s a witch.” XXXXX said he was waiting to gain access at the Portsmouth Gaseous and Diffusion Plant and Schmidt arrived and attempted to circumvent security protocol. Schmidt requested immediate access to the facility and was denied. She responded by saying: “Do you know who I am?” The security guard responded: “I don’t care who you are lady, you are not getting into this facility without clearance.” XXXXX said that Schmidt went into a rant and tirade demanding immediate access.

Nate Noy had the following to say about Schmidt’s conduct: “This report comes as no surprise to me. They don’t call her ‘Mean Jean’ for nothing you know. Schmidt is an elitist, as is her evil twin sister Jennifer Black. When I was at the OEC last month all they did was tell stories about who had box seats at the Reds and who had ridden in the pace car at the Indy 500. These people think they are above the normal rules of society. This is simply another clear example of that attitude.”

Noy went on to state that: “This reminds me of Jean’s sworn testimony to the OEC in April. She stated: ‘I don’t know why I would even want to have a website at this point.’ Jean think she’s so far above the rest of us that she doesn’t even need a website, since obviously ‘everyone’ will vote for her. I’m confident on November 7, 2006 that the voters of this district are going to send Jean a proverbial wake-up call and dose of a new reality when we send her along with: her fake college degree; her previous votes to ban guns and raise taxes; and history of low moral standards packing from the halls of Congress.”
In continuing on my path to expose nutters running for public office, I read that press release and said, " that second paragraph sounds AWFULLY FAMILIAR..." The story piqued my interest enough to ask some friends to look in to the story a little bit further. What I found out will not surprise those of you who have come to know Nate Noy through this campaign as I have...

There is no Gaseous and Diffusion Plant in Portsmouth. It is in Piketon. One would think that a guy who lists a post office box in Piketon as his address on his "professional resume" would know the difference between Portsmouth and Piketon.

And the story loses all credibility when the source decides to remove his name from the release. One now must question whether or not this source even exists. Perhaps the Space Captain had a little difficulty getting the air mixture right in his space suit...

Why was Jean Schmidt there anyway? The story doesn't say... I don't know about you but spending time at a Gaseous and Diffusion Plant, whether it is in Portsmouth or Piketon, doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun to me...

This story smells...