Saturday, September 16, 2006

War on Terror Update

A few AP News Alerts to pass on to you:
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says it has launched a major anti-Taliban operation in five Afghan provinces.
Let's hope this shifts the momentum back to the good guys in this very crucial theatre of the war.

The second:
SAN`A, Yemen (AP) Yemen's interior minister says authorities have arrested four al-Qaida members who were planning to carry out attacks in San`a.
It is good to see that plots are still being broken up all over the world...a sure sign that we are winning...

And lastly:
HAVANA (AP) The leaders of India and Pakistan say they have agreed to restart peace talks suspended since deadly train bombings in Mumbai in June.
What does this have to do with the war on terror? Well, this is a hotspot in the region and the sooner it cools off the better. We need Pakistan focused on fighting al Qaeda, not India...