Friday, September 15, 2006

Would-Be Speaker Pelosi STILL Doesn't Get It

Check out this quote from the Washington Post:
"Pelosi was defensive. 'I have five children,' she said. 'Five grandchildren, going on six. And I consider myself the ultimate security mom.' By way of clarification, she felt compelled to add: 'Democrats are committed to hunting down Osama bin Laden.'

"'A third questioner pointed out that Republicans have regained the lead on national security. 'This is what, I guess, campaigns will be about,' Pelosi conceded with some reluctance. 'It shouldn't be about national security.'"
Cluelessness like this can't possibly be allowed to wield any real power...

Every seat in the House of Representatives is important. Vote Republican and prevent Speaker Wannabe Pelosi from endangering our lives...