Saturday, April 21, 2007

Maybe They Were Tired of Being Used As Political Tools

And if anyone knows anything about being a "tool", it is Hillary Clinton. She uses everybody. And I want to know, what in the blue hell is the Rutgers pledge? This woman has no shame. I am glad the women of Rutgers considered their studies more important than being used as a prop for a "see, I can talk to black people too" episode for HillRod.

You know, it is awful funny. A lot of these loons out there are saying, we must forget the little nutjob who killed 32 people at VA Tech, but somehow, it seems, the only poeple who can forgive Don Imus for BEING AN IDIOT are a bunch of college students that he smeared. Don Imus just hurt someone's feelings. Little Psycho killed 32 people and then saved taxpayers money by offing himself. Yet Don Imus is unforgivable?