Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Wussification of Society Update

OK, let me get this straight. When you kill someone, it is simply a crime. However, set a ham steak on their table, and OH MY GOD!!!! YOU HAVE COMMITTED A HATE CRIME!!!! So, let me get this straight....killing someone is not a hate crime, unless you call them names as you kill them, or right before you kill them, or slightly after you kill them....UH......HUH????

Look at this spotlight in PC Stupidity:
LEWISTON, Maine --Police are investigating as a possible hate crime an incident in which a ham steak was placed in a bag on a lunch table where a group of Somali students were sitting.
Such an incident would be offensive to Somalis, who are Muslims and consider pork unclean.

A Lewiston Middle School student was suspended after the incident, which happened April 11.

Superintendent Leon Levesque said the incident is being treated seriously and police are investigating. The center for the Prevention of Hate Violence is working with the school to devise a response plan.

OK, a middle school god, does he even know anything about Somali/Muslim culture at that age? And secondly, you need to have some profiteers of hate Special interest group come in and have a "response" plan? What? Give me a friggin break. Tell the kid not to do it again, tell him/her what they did wrong, and then take away privileges...but suspension? Getting a response plan? Come on now.....