Thursday, August 30, 2007

WMD Blast

TIB Network

  • All day long on TIB Radio are re-runs of the last episode of the TIB Radio All Stars with Tom, Mark and Matt. Tune in by clicking on the TIB Radio graphic at the top of the sidebar.

    AP News Alerts

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) A Pakistani government spokesman denies that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has decided to step down as army chief before presidential election.
    Here we go again...

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) A Pakistani government spokesman denies that President Gen. Pervez Musharraf has decided to step down as army chief.
    He said/she said in Pakistan...

    WASHINGTON (AP) The government says the economy expanded at a 4 percent rate in the spring, the fastest pace in more than a year.
    As usual, I blame Bush...

    State Legislature Update

    Mark's state representative to the Ohio House, Danny Bubp, has a piece detailing the latest action being taken in Columbus on alternative fuels and energy.


  • Central Ohio Against Terror reports that Columbus Mayor Coleman advisor is bringing hate sheikh to town.

  • A nerve gas scare at the United Nations building in New York.

  • More later...

    Open Thread

    Got a question or a comment on something that we haven't covered? This is the place... Fire away in the comments section!