Thursday, August 30, 2007

I'm No Fan of Voinovich, But...

...this post on OPENERS, the blog of the Cleveland Plain Dealer is not only in poor taste, but it betrays the paper's uber-liberal bias.

The gist of the piece is that Voinovich is guilty by association because his office is on the same floor as Sens. Vitter and Craig. Now, if I wrote a piece talking about how the neighbors of Rep. Jefferson are tainted by corruption just because they share a wall, the lefties would have a total cow. And rightfully so...but will we see any condemnation of this smear job from the Ohiosphere's resident socialists? I'm not holding my breath...

With this piece, Stephen Koff has clearly declared that he is a partisan Democrat and shouldn't be trusted with the "objective" reporting of the news. And neither should his paper. Hacks like Koff nned to be exposed early and often so we know who playing for other team. Granted, in this state, it is pretty much the entire 527 media...but you knew that already.

UPDATE: One of the commenters caught something that I missed this morning.
It's David Vitter you moron.
Nice work from the "Washington Bureau chief" of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. More evidence that four bloggers are not going to be nearly enough...