Thursday, August 30, 2007

Xavier College Republicans To Host Ann Coulter

On September 6, 2007 at 7pm in the Cintas Center on Xavier University’s campus, the Xavier College Republicans in conjunction with the Young America’s Foundation will host Conservative author and political pundit Ann Coulter. Coulter is known for her satirical and abrasive sense of humor. She is hated by the liberal left and revered by Conservatives. Most recently she came under scrutiny for her comments at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this past March, regarding Presidential candidate John Edwards.

“It’s really exciting to have someone of the caliber of Ann Coulter coming to campus”, said Chris Wimsatt, Chairman of the Xavier College Republicans. Mr. Wimsatt further explained, “Our club decided to bring Ms. Coulter in response to leftist speakers such as Michael Moore, Joe Wilson, and former President Bill Clinton.

There are plenty of seats available for the public at the event and all are welcome. Tickets for any student are FREE with valid student ID and tickets for the general public are only $5. Tickets and information can be obtained at