Thursday, January 31, 2008

Note to Terrorists, Berkeley will be Undefended.....

Berkeley, California does not want the US Marines. If only the Marines had a choice in not defending Berkeley:
Hey-hey, ho-ho, the Marines in Berkeley have got to go.
That's the message from the Berkeley City Council, which voted 8-1 to tell the U.S. Marines that its Shattuck Avenue recruiting station "is not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do so as uninvited and unwelcome intruders."

In addition, the council voted to explore enforcing its law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against the Marines because of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. And it officially encouraged the women's peace group Code Pink to impede the work of the Marines in the city by protesting in front of the station.

No, liberals do not hate the Military, do they? These people make me sick and will be the first ones to beg for military help when the next terror attack happens. They blow their noses on the flag and these scumbag yuppie synchopants say screw you to the very people who protect their lives and right to protest.

These people are trash. They have no idea what service really means. They should be ashamed of themselves, but they are liberal Californians, they think they are the only ones who matter.

God bless our men and women who serve....and God help these idiots in Berkeley if something does happen....

This just in...Coming soon to the posh shops of Berkeley: Burkas and schimitars for everybody!!!!

This is just b.s.:
The Oakland International Airport did not break any laws or regulations when it denied 200 Marines and soldiers access to the passenger terminal during a layover last year from Iraq to the troops' home base in Hawaii, the Transportation Department says.

Calvin L. Scovell III, the department's inspector general, blamed the mix-up on security concerns and a communication failure between the Defense Department and the Homeland Security Department.

The contract to allow military layovers at the California airport "did not require that military personnel have access to the airport terminal; it only required that military personnel be allowed to deplane and stretch their legs on stops lasting over one hour," said a report released yesterday to House lawmakers who requested an investigation into the matter.

The Sept. 27 layover was the last stop for fuel and food, but the troops, who were returning from a tour in Iraq, were denied access to food and bathroom facilities.

A Marine reported the incident to Rep. John L. Mica, Florida Republican and ranking member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and said it "felt like being spit on."

Airport officials were concerned that the flight's ground staff could not provide "an adequate level of escort and control of such a large group of military personnel in or around the terminal area," the inspector's report said.

Oh wait, I forgot...this is California...our military HEROES need protection from all the pinko lefty scumbags who want to kill them for defending US. My bad....

Screw California....blow the San Andreas Fault, send it into the ocean, and give it back to Mexico....