Thursday, January 31, 2008

Of Course Hillary Can Control Her Husband....

In this story, Hillary Clinton talks about how her victory will usher in HER presidency, not a third term of Bill, and how she can control him:
Senator Hillary Clinton, in an interview with ABC News' Cynthia McFadden for ABC News' Nightline, was asked about President Clinton’s controversial comments about race and Senator Obama in the past weeks. Clinton apologized for her husband.

“I think whatever he said which was certainly never intended to cause any kind of offense to anyone,” Clinton said, “if it did give offenses then I take responsibility and I’m sorry about that.”

"Can you control him?" asked McFadden.

“Oh of course,” Clinton replied.

Funny, I always thought this victory would usher in the third term of Hillary Clinton...
Of course she can control him...she did such a good job of that as a wife....but of course, now she has the....

wait for it....

almost there...

