Friday, February 01, 2008

Brinkman on Money Numbers

This just in...
Cincinnati, OH. - State Representative and Congressional Candidate Tom Brinkman released his campaign finance reports for the end of last year. As expected, his cash on hand in his Congressional campaign account was just under $5500.

"I didn't enter the race until mid December", said Brinkman, "This is financial activity for only a couple of weeks through December. Fundraising has picked up significantly since then, and has been booming since Mr. Heimlich dropped from the race."

Campaign Coordinator Jason Gloyd felt confident about the race. "We are operating on a budget similar to the 2005 and that will make us very competitive. Tom's message has really been resonating with voters. This financial report is month old news, money and volunteers have been streaming in since. Let's face it", said Gloyd, "Having $5000 on hand feels better than $124,000 minus $277,000 in debt."