Friday, February 01, 2008

Obama To Get Key Religious Endorsement?

According to the, Barry Hussein Obama may get a key religious endorsement:
Gore has already seen one presidency (his own) slip away over a handful of votes. He must have pondered how it would feel to play kingmaker and shore up someone else’s path to the White House.

A well-connected Tennesseean told me two things today that got me thinking about this. The first is that Obama and Gore have been speaking regularly, about every two weeks or so. The second is that, despite this, and despite Tennessee’s primary on Tuesday, Obama has not visited the state since June. It may be simply that he does not plan on competing there. Or it may be that he’s been waiting for a special occasion.

That's right, the founder and First Acolyte of the Church of Global Warming, Algore, might be going for Barry Hussein Obama....