Monday, February 18, 2008

Brown County GOP Update: Danny Bubp on Treasurer's Race

From an ad placed by the Warren Wagner campaign in the February 17, 2008 edition of the Brown County Press, we find that my 88th district state Rep., a Great American, and a Marine currently servin in Iraq, Danny Bubp, has come out for a candidate in the race for the Republican nomination for County Treasurer:
I've known Warren since we attended Eastern high School and i am confident that as the next Treasurer, he will lead Brown County in a positive direction. That is why I am asking you to vote Warren Wagner Treasurer of Brown County in the March 4th Republican Primary Election.
-Danny Bubp, Ohio State Representative

When did this happen? Col. Bubp has been on active duty since December, with training in California and then deployment to Iraq. When did Mr. Wagner secure this endorsement? He did not mention it at the endorsement meetings of the Brown County GOP. Not that I am saying this is false advertisement, because Mr. Wagner is an honest character, but I think he should have brought this up sooner and it may have resulted in him being endorsed in the race for Treasurer by the party central committee. As it is, neither he nor Connie Patrick secured enough votes to be endorsed.

As I have stated before, in this race it is going to be hard to decide. Ms. Patrick has experience in the Treasurer's office and has learned under the able tutelage of Gail DeClaire. Mr. Wagner has experience on the township level as a fiscal officer and in some service organizations. Both are good, honest people who I believe really want to serve the citizens of the county. I think either would make a great treasurer and will beat whomever the Dems put up.