Monday, February 18, 2008


Our good friend Chris from Two Babes and a Brain went to an Obama event and her story has me thinking about a segment or two on the right that could stand to learn from this too... Read the whole thing, but here's a taste:
Obama says he's about change and I believe him but I think a lot of the people who have glommed onto the Obama campaign think they are going to get CHANGE. They want CHANGE bordering on revolution and that's a scary thing.

It's scary because change is necessary but CHANGE is destructive.

The revolutionaries who are working for Obama will be the first one's to turn on him when their version of change doesn't come. They are the visionaries who eat their own when they get only 3/4 of what they want because while they claim to speak for all, they only speak for all who they deem worthy; they don't recognize or care that they have to share this place with people who have different views. They are the people who want it all NOW; who don't understand that the government was designed specifically to prevent DRASTIC CHANGE from happening too quickly and pitch a petulant tantrum when they have to wait.
I have the tendency to be subtle with messages like this one, so if a clarifier is needed, please sound off in the comments and I'd be happy to connect the dots...

HINT: I've tagged this piece with "McCain" for a reason...