Monday, February 04, 2008

Hillary Blames Empty Unkept Promise on Everyone Else

Hillary Clinton did not live up to her 2000 campaign pledge to bring 200,000 jobs to New York....despite making deals and shilling for big corporations, she did not get to her goal....and she blames it on everyone else but herself...even Obama, who wasn't even in the Senate at the time....
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton conceded Sunday that she “might have been a little exuberant” when she predicted she could bring 200,000 jobs to Western New York as a senator but stressed that she would do a far better job on economic issues than her chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

In an interview with The Buffalo News after a town hall meeting on economic issues in this St. Louis suburb, the New York senator blamed Republicans for getting in the way of her economic plans and criticized both Obama and the GOP presidential front-runner, Sen. John McCain, for their approach on economic issues.

Asked if she regretted her 2000 campaign pledge, Clinton said: “Well, I might have been a little exuberant, but I thought we could do it.”

She said that if Al Gore had been elected president that year and if the Democratic fiscal policies of the 1990s had been maintained, investments would have been made that would have boosted the upstate economy, which has continued to lose jobs through much of this decade.

She didn't note that the Democrats had led us into recession in 2000, and that the bubble was all part of her husband's refusal to look into it so as to prop up a moribund economy. She forgets to mention that Obama wasn't even in the Senate, and what does that have to do with New York, anyway?????