Monday, February 04, 2008

OH-05: Ohio Right to Life Endorses Congressman Bob Latta

This just in...
Bowling Green, Ohio (February 4, 2008) – The Latta for Congress Committee proudly announces that the Ohio Right to Life has officially endorsed Congressman Bob Latta in the March 4 primary election. Congressman Latta’s 100% voting record with the Ohio Right to Life and their endorsement makes him the clear choice to stand up for the sanctity of life in Congress.

“I am honored to receive the endorsement by the Ohio Right to Life and I will continue to work hard in Congress to protect our traditional values. I have always believed that life is God’s to give, not man’s to take,” stated Congressman Latta.

Congressman Latta not only stands for the sanctity of life, he helped lead the battle to ban partial birth abortion in Ohio (HB 351). While working in the Ohio Senate, Congressman Latta pushed the ban onto the floor of the Senate, where it was passed and became law.

“I am proud of the work I have done in the state legislature to protect the rights of the unborn and look forward to continuing this fight in Congress,” said Congressman Latta.