Friday, February 01, 2008

No Wonder Cleveland Sucks!

Is it any wonder jobs and people are leaving Cleveland in droves? You would think the liberal sheep up there would finally look in their pocket books and wake up....but with leadership like this:
But in Cuyahoga County, where taxes were due Wednesday, you have an edge on the moaning: The average Cuyahoga tax rate tops those in every other Ohio county.

Full-year, 2007 taxes for a hypothetical $100,000 house here are $2,062. That’s $631 more than the state average and $44 higher than No. 2, Montgomery County.

“It’s bad,” said Nate Bailey, spokesman for the nonprofit Tax Foundation. “The government takes a lot of money from the people. The real question is, are you getting your money’s worth

And just to show you Dems don't get the economy, and why ANY Republican would be better than Barry Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton:
You have to carefully examine what services are provided, as opposed to just the taxes being paid,” said Zach Schiller, research director for Policy Matters Ohio, a liberal think tank. “Taxes are fairly far down the list when it comes to a business location decisions. They’re going to look first at quality of the work force, whether they have a market, what’s the infrastructure.”

Gosh, anyone now really think Teddy Strickland can turn around Ohio when his party's thinktanks spew this retarded hash?