Friday, February 01, 2008

Is the Leader of the Tin Foil Hat Brigade Done?

Could it be that northern Ohio has finally awakened from stupidity and could be on the verge of sending Dennis Kucinich home? The Cleveland Plain Dealer feels it is time to do so:
Dennis Kucinich has finally faced up to reality and shelved his presidential fan tasy for at least another four years. Now it is up to the Democrats of the 10th Con gressional District to face up to reality and tell him his services are no longer required in Congress, either.

They need to replace him with someone who can combine many of Kucinich's best traits with a focus on this region that Kucinich, unfortunately, has lost. That candidate is Cleveland City Councilman Joe Cimperman.

There are three other challengers in the March 4 primary, but make no mistake, it was Cimperman's combination of energy, campaign cash and community support that convinced Kucinich he had to make getting re-elected to Congress his priority.

Voters on the West Side of Cleveland and in its western suburbs sent Kucinich to Washington in 1996. But since January 2003, much of his attention has been focused on an absolutely hopeless quest for the White House. In Kucinich's mind, these efforts have shaped the Democratic debate. He insists that if he had not been in this year's race, no one would have been talking about the war in Iraq, health care or trade policy. What hubris.

Remember that he launched his latest presidential campaign almost immediately after being re-elected to the House in 2006. He didn't wait to see who else might run - let alone what they might talk about - or to see what role he might play with Democrats controlling the House of Representatives. Instead, he lit out for Iowa and New Hampshire, where voters listened politely for months, then roundly ignored him on Election Day.

The real question is, will Dennis use the secret alien mind control and get them to return him to Congress? Sheep don't like change much, so we shall see...Kookinich has been a joke for over a decade, and has shown he cares more for his own career and national profile and picking up chicks through campaigning than he does in serving the people of his district. But what do you expect, all Dems do this: see John Edwards, Barry Obama, Hillary Clinton (who started campaigning in 04), and others. It is all about them, not service.