Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Soldier Support Act

Here is a "Dear Colleague" letter looking for co-sponsors for a very interesting idea for a piece of legislation...
Dear Colleague,

From a constitutional perspective, providing for the common defense of the United States must always be our highest priority. We are currently in a war against radical (Hirabi) extremists that will stop at nothing to murder U.S. citizens and destroy our American way of life. Our brave soldiers are literally on the front lines in the fight to protect and defend America, and are daily ensuring that these assassins do not bring their bloody crusade to the streets of America.

Therefore, it is imperative that Congress fully fund the War on Terror, specifically providing for our troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Congress is spending billions of dollars annually on wasteful pet projects (i.e., bridges to nowhere, bike paths, Woodstock museum, etc.) when our troops are constantly left in limbo as Congress delays full funding. We all took an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and it is high-time that Congress gets its priorities in order!

This is why I am introducing the SOLDIER SUPPORT Act: Support Our Lads Deployed In Enemy Regions by Sending Useless Pet Projects Overseas to Reinforce our Troops. This legislation would authorize the President – as Commander in Chief – to transfer funding for any earmark listed in either the current FY08 Omnibus or the upcoming FY09 appropriations bills directly to war-related activities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The President would be able to transfer not only Defense earmarks, but all earmarks (either in statutory language or report language) away from lower priority projects requested by Members of Congress to activities that directly support American troops fighting in the War on Terror. While Congress temporary provides stop-gap funding for the War, our military leaders are hamstrung in making long-range tactical plans without a reliable funding stream, which jeopardizes our continued success and risks the safety of our troops.

This legislation would not only provide the vital funding necessary to protect our troops – particularly in this crucial time in the War – but it is the fiscally responsible thing to do as well. What higher priority exists than protecting our homeland and tracking down terrorists abroad bent on our destruction? I urge you to show your full support for and commitment to our troops by giving the President the authority he needs to direct federal funds where they are most in need – directly to the troops.

Please contact Derek Baker of my staff (derek.baker@mail.house.gov) or 5-4101 to cosponsor or for additional information.

Respectfully yours,

Paul C. Broun, M.D. (GA-10)
Member of Congress
I like this idea. A lot.