Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You Just Can't Satisfy a Liberaltarian

I guess we're just supposed to bury our heads in sand and forget that the rest of the world matters... Our favorite liberaltarian member of the Alliance is at it again... This time, he says we should lift the economic sanctions on Cuba. If we can't engage economic sanctions and we can't use a military solution, I have no idea what other leverage we are supposed to use to assert any sort of influence in the world... I suppose he'll say that we shouldn't assert ANY influence, but that's just not facing the reality of a global economy.

And to be honest, I'm not sure why I'm writing this. I'm not interested in any kind of dialogue on the subject... I just find it odd, that's all...

UPDATE: For the record, the idea behind the sanctions was to force the Cuban government to promte liberty instead of economic slavery on their own people. Ending Castro's "leadership" is not the goal...getting a democratcially elected government is the goal.