Friday, February 01, 2008

Steaming Pile of Dog Crap? Yes..Conservatism? HELL NO!

This is not the proposal of a conservative.
From the Smoking Gun:
FEBRUARY 1--Mississippi legislators this week introduced a bill that would make it illegal for state-licensed restaurants to serve obese patrons. Bill No. 282, a copy of which you'll find below, is the brainchild of three members of the state's House of Representatives, Republicans W. T. Mayhall, Jr. and John Read, and Democrat Bobby Shows. The bill, which is likely dead on arrival, proposes that the state's Department of Health establish weight criteria after consultation with Mississippi's Council on Obesity. It does not detail what penalties an eatery would face if its grub was served to someone with an excessive body mass index

Now, the argument these little fascists will give is it is saving the taxpayer money in health care costs, blah de blah de blah. However, it is a HUGE impingement on freedom, and the one thing conservatives are supposed to love is freedom. These are the types of little Hitlers and self serving know it alls that don't belong in our party. We don't like the nanny state, that is the other side. Please go over there.

WAIT, I FORGOT...IT'S ALL ABOUT BUILDING THE BIG TENT....How's that working again????

You guessed it..It ain't. We have got to stop acting as liberals, that we think we know what is best for others. People need to be allowed to make their own decisions, and have the freedom to eat if they want. These moronic fascists with Rs next to their names need to be voted out.