Friday, February 01, 2008

Want to Stop Gun Accidents? Here is the Solution

Even though they continue to return a porkspewing sack of garbage like Robert KKK Byrd to the Senate, you gotta like this idea from West Virginia:
West Virginia is considering a bill to teach schoolchildren how to handle a gun and hunt safely its proponent hopes will increase state revenues from hunting licenses, a state lawmaker said Thursday.
"We will teach a hunting safety course during their physical education class," state senator and bill sponsor Billy Wayne Bailey told AFP. The courses would be imparted in secondary schools, from the eighth to 10th grade (13-16 years of age).

"They will learn gun safety, the proper use of fire arms. All the weapons will be disabled so there is no chance of discharging," he said, adding that the state Senate was expected to take up the bill next week.

Teach them to respect and understand guns, and you will cut down on gun accidents, and you might teach them how to defend themselves if they are home alone and a burglary happens. I think this is a novel idea....