Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Boehner to Live-Blog the Budget Debate

This just in from Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today announced that tomorrow’s House Budget Committee debate on the FY 2009 federal budget will be “live-blogged” on the Republican Leader’s website. The Committee will begin consideration of the budget at 10:30am tomorrow, and the Leader’s blog will provide regular updates on its progress, including votes on key amendments, throughout the day. The up-to-the-minute budget coverage – dubbed “Budget Buzz” – will be available beginning at 10:30am at http://republicanleader.house.gov/Blog.

“Middle-class families and small businesses will face the largest tax increase in American history in less than two years, and tomorrow gives Congress an important opportunity to demonstrate to the American people that we will not bankroll billions of dollars in reckless and wasteful Washington spending with tax hikes on those already feeling the strain from rising costs of living,” said Boehner. “This live-blog will give Americans a front-row seat for this important debate so they can hold their leaders in Washington accountable for their votes on some of the most important issues of the day.”

Last year, House Democrats backed a budget that included – at the time – the largest tax increase in American history. Reports indicate that this year’s Democratic budget will include billions in new Washington spending paid for by an even larger tax hike – one that will raise tax rates on every American, while bringing back the Death Tax, the marriage penalty, and slashing the child tax credit in half. Democratic leaders also plan to ignore the looming entitlement crisis in their budget, putting off action for at least another year on reforms to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, even as the programs’ trustees warn of their eventual bankruptcy without congressional action.

“Congress cannot afford to stick its head in the sand any longer,” Boehner concluded. “With the largest tax increase in history and a tsunami of entitlement spending on the horizon, the time for bipartisan cooperation to address these priorities is now. House Republicans will offer a series of amendments tomorrow to give Democrats a chance to join us in meeting these challenges, and live on the Republican Leader’s blog, the American people will have the chance to follow the action as it happens.”
THIS should be interesting... :)