Tuesday, March 04, 2008

WMD Milestone: 150,000

Thanks to all of our readers...even the regulars! :) The site just crossed the 150,000 on the site meter. Now other sites may have better numbers, but we are proud of what we've built here and are pleased with the readership community that continues to contribute so much to the blog. You all make it worth while!

Also, we'd like to take a moment and thank Newstex, one of our syndication partners. And of course, all of the advertisers who have been with us this year.

#150,000 was a hit from AOL on a search for "ohio right to life" which landed the reader at this post covering an OH-18 endorsement by Ohio Right to Life.

Lastly, we'd like to thank Kay Rogers and Rawnica Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham for absolutely nothing...