Monday, March 03, 2008

We Get Letters: Replacing Rogers

The editors of WMD present this letter that hit our email bag over the weekend:

I am writing to you as an educated and informed member of the Butler County community. In addition, I am a member of the Butler County Republican Party (currently Executive Committee member, running for Central Committee). I have taken an active part in making this a better community by working behind the scenes on several elections (for Republican candidates, Lakota school levies, and on ballot issue races) over the past several years.

The scandal with our auditor has already made Butler County and the Butler County Republican Party look corrupt in the eyes of the general public. I think the last thing our party should do is to fill this position controversially. There should be no consideration of any type of “office swap” that would look to the general public (and to many of us inside the party) like some type of “back room deal”.

Now is the time for the Butler County GOP to rebuild its image and this must be the first step in doing so.

I believe the obvious choice for the party to vote to fill this office is the person that was the party’s endorsed candidate in the last primary election, Roger Reynolds.

Roger ran an ethical and hard fought campaign in difficult circumstances against Kay Rogers in 2006. I worked on that campaign, so I know he is an honest man and the type of “non-political” individual that we will need in the auditor’s office to cleanse it of the smell of corruption that will be left behind after Rogers departs. He will bring a fresh face to county government which is sorely needed right now. This “fresh face” will also help to ensure his success in the election in November.

In addition to being able to effectively do the job, lets not forget that he was the person that was willing to deal with the controversy of going against a long time and popular incumbent. By doing so, he endured abuse both inside and outside of the party. Yet, he was willing to do it because he believed that change was needed in order to make Butler County a better place to live. I think his willingness to do this should mean something to those of us involved in the Republican Party in Butler County.

The other names that I’ve heard mentioned (Nancy Nix, Dave Davidson, and Courtney Combs) all may have their positive points, but none were willing to take on Kay Rogers for the good of the people of Butler County and the Republican Party. Also, none are as qualified for the office as Roger Reynolds.

This decision should not be about popularity or “back room deals”, it should be about doing what is best for the community by finding the most qualified candidate for the job and moving forward.

I hope that you’ll support Roger Reynolds for the Butler County Auditor’s position.

Bill Lack,
Regular WMD Reader and Executive Committee Member
NOTE: The editors of WMD haven't discussed an endorsement yet.