Monday, March 03, 2008

Latest Ohio Poll Predicts Wins for Clinton and McCain

The latest Ohio Poll sponsored by the University of Cincinnati (PDF):
Cincinnati, OH--New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) and Arizona Senator John McCain (R) appear ready to win the popular vote in their respective primaries on Tuesday.

After allocation of undecided Democratic voters to the candidates they are most likely to support, the Democratic presidential primary race stands at Clinton 51.3 percent and Obama 42.3 percent.

After allocation of undecided Republican voters to the candidates they are most likely to support, McCain receives 53.4 percent of the Republican primary vote and Huckabee receives 23.7 percent.

These findings are based on the latest Ohio Poll, conducted by the University of Cincinnati’s Institute for Policy Research. The Ohio Poll is sponsored by the University of Cincinnati. Six hundred twenty four (624) probable Democratic primary voters and three hundred thirty (330) probable Republican primary voters were interviewed between February 28 and March 2, 2008. The potential sampling error for the Democratic primary race is + 3.9%. The potential sampling error for the Republican primary race is + 5.4%.

2008 Democratic Presidential Primary
(Probable Democratic Primary Voters)
February 28-March 2, 2008
Hillary Clinton 51.3%
Barack Obama 42.3
John Edwards 6.0
Other 0.4
(N=) (613)

2008 Republican Presidential Primary
(Probable Republican Primary Voters)
February 28-March 2, 2008
John McCain 53.4%
Mike Huckabee 23.7
Mitt Romney 8.8
Ron Paul 6.9
Other 7.2
(N=) (319)