Monday, March 03, 2008

WMD Endorses Fred Thompson for President

The editors of WMD are proud to announce our endorsement of Fred Dalton Thompson for President of the United States. Now, we can see you shaking your head and saying, "But, Editors of WMD, Fred Dalton Thompson hasn't been in the race for awhile." Yes, this is unfortunately true. However, the editors of WMD are compelled to endorse Mr. Thompson anyway.

John Sidney McCain is the frontrunner in this race and he is the presumptive nominee. He is also not a conservative. While Sen. McCain may take a conservative position or two, his default position is locked in on 'liberal.' Or at least 'maverick.'

Mike Huckabee is a pretender as well. He, likewise, is not a conservative. While Sen. McCain might take a conservative position or two, the only conservative position that Huckabee holds is that he is pro-life.

So, we are left with a protest vote in order to deliver a message that John Sidney McCain needs to find religion.

And that leads us to Fred Dalton Thompson.

Fred really is a conservative's conservative. Unlike a protest vote for Mitt Romney, a vote cast tomorrow for Fred Thompson sends a message that conservative values are what we need in the White House.

The editors of Weapons of Mass Discussion are proud to endorse Fred Dalton Thompson for President of the United States and encourages all readers to cast their vote for him in the Republican primary.