Saturday, June 21, 2008

TIB All Stars Are On the Air.....

Click on the banner over on the right sidebar to listen in.

AP and Bloggers

We take on the AP and their poor handling of the left-leaning blog The Drudge Retort.
Lesson to newbies: don't just cut and paste entire articles.....
Another lesson: old media doesn't want to be held up to the microscope of holding them accountable and the 1st Amendment discussion of the media doing its job.
Tom Blumer, as usual, goes into all sorts of details with links and stuff.

We also discuss the fair use issues involving AP and, and is the group empowered to make this decision and such for ALL bloggers??
Is Cox negotiating or isn't he? Depends on whom you ask...Matt and Tom have some different takes on this....I sit back and enjoy the fun...

Obama, Obambi, The Fear Word Update

Obama and the Big Blue Disrespectful Seal....Matt dissects it symbolically. A really good discussion....

Obama's Administration Would be Secretive, and Lack Principles....

Obama Raises Race Shields Pre-emptively....Audio can be heard here.

Matt Discussing the Polling in re: Obama v. McCain....(see related posts)
(see earlier posts for these Obama story details)

Obama and Social Security: A-bama-nation

Tom and the gang elucidate us on Barack's horrible plan for social security

Another Blumer post on the payroll tax side of this.

Let's Whip Out our Polls

Matt discusses various polls he blogged about over the last week or so involving Ohio and the Presidential race...see various posts in the POTUS08 thread....

Unemployment and Elections

Matt, Tom, and I discuss unemployment and elections...How we looking, T shirt Ted? Not good.