Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Stupid Poll That is Kinda Fun

Over at BizzyBlog, Tom has highlighted a Gallup poll that is worth taking another look at here...

Of course, everybody is going to notice the Congress vs. Bush numbers. And some noise was made about how Congress gets trounced by the military. But look at these numbers again and see what other things pop out at you...

Unless Gallup is referring to Sting's old rock group, The Police outperform all other government services (except the military).

Note that SCOTUS is the highest ranked branch of the government, but that the criminal justice system takes a beating.

No wonder media attacks religion and the military, both Television News and Newspapers get their butts kicked.

Banks fare better than Organized Labor which does better than Big Business...but Small Business ranks just behind the military.

And isn't funny hearing Democrats talk about how the government should take over healthcare when even the HMO's score higher (okay, so it's only by a point) than Congress does?