Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Butler County Update: A Follow-Up (...of sorts)

Previously, I reported that Sheriff Richard Jones has been spotted at various Lincoln Day Dinners in FULL Campaign Mode for reasons unexplained. What I didn't report, was that State Senator Gary Cates has also been spotted in similar situations...

While Sheriff Jones is probably agitating for a primary against Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- that is not the case with Senator Cates. Sources tell me that Cates is out on the trail as a Kasich surrogate (official or unofficial? I don't know, but will try to find out).

Speaking of good friend Kyle Sisk is seeing signs that Kasich may actually NOT pull a Fred Thompson. I've been rather agitated with Team Kasich as of late because it was looking like they weren't serious about running, but I'm going to trust Kyle since he was the first to recognize the problem in the first place.