Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rep. Latta Files Discharge Petition Against Automatic Congressional Pay Raise

WASHINGTON- Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) filed a discharge petition yesterday on H.R. 581, a bill he introduced on January 15th that would eliminate the automatic pay increase Members of Congress receive. The discharge petition asks for H.R. 581 to be brought out of committee directly to the House floor for immediate consideration.

“As our constituents and Nation continue to struggle through this recession, Members of Congress cannot in good faith receive an automatic pay increase. Today’s discharge petition asks that H.R. 581, a bill I introduced on January 15th, be brought to the floor for immediate consideration,” Latta said today after filing the petition.

“I look forward to working with members in a bipartisan manner to pass this important piece of legislation as soon as possible,” Latta added.
