Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Don't Be Fooled by the Mock Surprise and Outrage from Democrats in Congress

The Dems are acting like they are shocked, SHOCKED to find out about the AIG bonuses, and are instead of taking the blame, are seeking to inspire class warfare bloodshed toward those execs, painting those people as the villains. Reminds me of the French guy in Casablanca.....

The truth is that they knew about this a while ago. You don't have to take my word for it. Check out this great grab by Ed Morrissey of Hot Air:

The Dems in Congress knew about this at least back March 3rd. Ed Morrissey points this out from the video:
a March 3rd hearing of the House Ways and Means Committee in which Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) specifically mentions the upcoming payouts of over $162 million in bonuses to AIG execs

Check out Crowley's own words:
For example, just last month, AIG paid 343 employees of AIG FP — their Financial Products division that created the financial hole that AIG is in, and in turn a multibillion-dollar bill for American taxpayers — $56 million in bonuses and are slated to pay an additional $162 million in bonuses to 393 participants in the coming weeks. And there’s more. Further bonus payments totaling approximately 230 million (dollars) are due to 407 participants at AIG’s Financial Products division in March 2010. This makes no sense to my constituency.

March 3rd. This is when it happened according to CSpan. Where was Slobbering Socialist Simp Bawrney Fhwank? Where was Geithner? They were secretly undermining our country and the confidence in the financial system, that is where they were. This is a disgrace. And it is shameful that the government would turn the mob onto private citizens when the government made the bad deal, the government put it into the bill, and some people were so caught up in demogoguery they just passed a bill without reading it!

Ed closes his piece by asking this question:
This whole episode has been a farce perpetrated by Congress and the administration to stoke artificial outrage over contractual compensation obligations. It’s a freak show put on by Democrats. They’re giving us populist circuses in order to build a mob mentality — but for what purpose?

Ed, look at your history....when the likes of Lenin, Stalin, and some Austrian paperhanger wanted to do something really really bad, what did they do? They stoked the fires to get people upset at another group and get them off of being vigilant, this allowed great atrocities to occur because people were so caught up in the mob mentality...look back at the French Rev., etc., when it became the Reign of Terror. It is all a way to develop a sense where the mob will run amok, the Reichstag will be burnt down, and a new order of "security" will be put into place. Think Senator Palpatine on an American scale.....You know, some people said that the latest Star Wars trilogy was an allegory to America....guess they just might be right....

In a sidenote, I just want to express my extreme displeasure and disappointment that my congresswoman, and a great American, Jean Schmidt, fell prey to the mob mentality and voted to overtax and retroactively seize money from the people who received the bonuses. For shame!