Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rep. Latta Named to Budget Committee

WASHINGTON- Earlier today, Congressman Bob Latta (R-Bowling Green) was appointed to the House Committee on the Budget.

“Now more than ever, Congress must get serious about the trillions of dollars we spend each year in the budget. My constituents, as well as millions of other taxpayers across the country have made it clear that they are tired of out-of-control spending in Washington and I look forward to conveying that message for them as a member of this important committee,” Latta said today after receiving his appointment.

“Bob has an excellent record, both as a Member of Congress and the Ohio General Assembly, of fiscal responsibility and I look forward to working with him on the Committee,” Committee on the Budget Ranking Member Paul Ryan (R-WI) added.
Latta is a GREAT addition to the committee. Hopefully he can get some work done on this front.