Monday, February 23, 2004

2/19/04 Briefing (Continued)

From the WH Briefing Rm:
Q Thank you. Conservative groups have petitioned the public integrity section of the Department of Justice to take possession of a hard-drive now held by the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms. It contains memos that allegedly detail unethical and possibly criminal activity by Senate members and their staff. Since this conduct is focused on defeating the President's judicial nominees, will the White House support the confiscation of this evidence?

MR. McCLELLAN: You need to direct those questions to the Department of Justice.

Matt's Chat

Scotty dodges the question (actually he doesn't answer the REAL question at all), but it is good to know that the details of those Democrat memos aren't being forgotten.

Mark's Remarks

Well, to be honest, the reporters SHOULD ask the DoJ this question. It is THEIR purview. I think these memos need to come out and be fully published again, so the American people can see the DUPLICITY, DECEIT, AND BETRAYAL by Congressional Democrats, that they would polticize the important matters of our day, putting lives at risk and hindering progress so they can benefit politically. Don't forget or be fooled, the only ones using the Iraqi conflict for political purposes are the Dimcraps. The only ones holding up the judicial process and further backlogging cases and hindering justice? Again, the Dimocraps.