Monday, February 23, 2004

Helen Does It Again

From the 2/19/04 White House Briefing Room
Q You've got another indictment in Enron. The President repeatedly said that he deplores the corporate malfeasance we've seen around the country. But even since the President started speaking about this, we've seen investigations, indictments. Is the President concerned that corporate culture isn't changing, and that a lot of companies, given the fact that a great majority are legitimate, that a lot of companies -- some companies, at least, just don't get it? They don't feel the chill from these prosecutions and they continue to do bad things, continue to be compelled by greed?

MR. McCLELLAN: Actually, the President has talked -- talks often about the importance of changing our culture, and one area, in particular, is the importance of ushering in a responsibility era. And that includes corporate responsibility. The corporate governance scandals that you bring up took a real toll on our economy. Some Americans lost their life savings, their lives were turned upside-down --

Q (Helen) Are you speaking of Halliburton, by chance?

MR. McCLELLAN: I'm trying to answer a question here, Helen.

Q I mean, you talk about the loss of lives.

MR. McCLELLAN: Can I finish the question? Then I'll be glad to -- I said, some Americans lost their life savings, their lives were turned upside-down. Investors lost confidence in the marketplace. Jobs were lost because of wrongdoing. Businesses shut down. And this administration has a strong record of working to crack down on corporate wrongdoing and holding people accountable for misconduct.

The President established a corporate fraud task force, and it has compiled a strong record in combating fraud and punishing corporate wrongdoers. The task force has been aggressively investigating and prosecuting fraud, which is helping to restore investor confidence. The administration is successfully working to restore confidence in the marketplace by rooting out this wrongdoing, to provide fair and accurate information to the investing public, and rewarding shareholder and employee trust, and to protect jobs and savings of hardworking Americans. There is strong action that this administration has taken to crack down on corporate wrongdoing and restore confidence in our marketplace.

Matt's Chat

Ahh, Helen, you old fool, write this down: "The President is working to bring corporate thugs to justice. He's on the side of the American people on this one."

Just re-read that it just me or is Helen trying to say that Halliburton is KILLING people now? Jeez, how completely ridiculous...

Mark's Remarks

Yes, this supposed puppet of corporations is going after more and more of them...hmm...would a puppet really do that? Helen, why don't you either ask a question that does not come from Terry McAwful talking points, or better yet, let me call a nursing home for you....You are a demented, sad, old crone who is bitter because while she was lucid she was still an ugly bat, and while Reagan was President you were on the wrong side of history, again, and again, and again.