Monday, February 23, 2004

Libya's WMD Program

From the Telegraph (UK):
Libya succeeded in making weapons-grade plutonium before announcing it would abandon its efforts to build a nuclear bomb, United Nations inspectors said yesterday.

Col Muammar Gaddafi

A report issued by the International Atomic Energy Agency discloses the full scale of Tripoli's ambitions to build a bomb before Col Gaddafi's change of heart.

Libya's nuclear experiments included the separation of plutonium, albeit "in very small quantities", it said.

Matt's Chat

Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds seems to think that this article "seems to illustrate two things. First, that the "domino effect" from the invasion of Iraq is paying big dividends, and second that the IAEA process doesn't work." I'm inclined to agree. Although, I thought all that BEFORE the Iraq invasion too...

Mark's Remarks

Yep, we stood up to thugs and terrorist rogue nations, and we now have Libya moving to dismantle its programs. But liberals won't agree with that. They say simply diplomacy caused the movement by Libya. Really, what about all those years that Libya thumbed its nose despite diplomacy, eh? It was only when we put rogue nations on notice and moved on Iraq that Col. Quadaffy changed his tune. Once again, peace through strength works....but of course, there will always be liberal flip floppers like John Kerry who try to play both ends. There will always be those who like Chamberlain will appease even as slaughter continues and danger grows. We cannot bring those times back.....