Friday, February 27, 2004

We're Still Waiting...

From FoxNews:
U.S. Rep. Corrine Brown apologized Thursday for remarks
Brown made the statement during a Wednesday briefing on Haiti with Assistant Secretary of State Roger Noriega (search), a Mexican-American, and the Florida congressional delegation. During the meeting, attended by about 30 people, Brown sat across the table from Noriega and launched an attack on President Bush's policy on Haiti.

She said Republican leaders were "racist" in their policies toward the Caribbean nation, which is almost entirely black, and called the president's representatives "a bunch of white men."

"I sincerely did not mean to offend Secretary Noriega or anyone in the room. Rather, my comments, as they relate to 'white men,' were aimed at the policies of the Bush administration as they pertain to Haiti, which I do consider to be racist," Brown said in a statement on Thursday.
In a statement Wednesday, Brown tried to draw a parallel between the administration's response and the 2000 election in Florida.

"It simply mystifies me how President Bush, a president who was selected by the Supreme Court under more than questionable circumstances — in my district alone 27,000 votes were thrown out — is telling another country that their elections were not fair and that they are therefore undeserving of aid or international recognition," Brown said.

Matt's Chat

The Party of Love continues their "positive" campaigning... I still can't get over the fact that there hasn't been a single liberal calling for this woman's head on a platter. I know that would have happened if she were a conservative "homophobe" or some other ridiculous label. The fit would have hit the shan...and hamsters would have stoked the fire of racial hatred yet again.

Disgusting. Completely, absolutely, altogether, competently, comprehensively, conclusively, effectively, en masse, exclusively, exhaustively, extensively, finally, fully, in all, in entirety, in full, in toto, painstakingly, perfectly, quite, solidly, thoroughly, totally, ultimately, unabridged, unanimously, unconditionally, undividedly, utterly, wholly, without omission DISGUSTING.

This is a complete outrage.

Mark's Remarks

This is what passes for a liberal apology. Backhanded and more blatant insults. Wow, great tolerance there, Ms. Brown. Hey, speaking of throwing votes out from 2000, what about ALL the overseas and military votes YOUR MAN GORE wanted thrown out, huh? How about that? Of course, we will not hear that, because we want to sway the military....BUT, remember, men and women in uniform, the Democrats did not want to count any of your votes in 2000.

As to the whole racist comment, I guess Dimocan'ts are racist when they say we should not be in Iraq, or that democracy will never work in the Mid-East. At least, according to your hysterically twisted logic, Ms. Brown, that is what it should be.

The fact of the matter is, there is little in Haiti to promote our national interest. And, libs, the reason there is a mess is because your Messiah, Bill Clinton, decided to select Jean-Bertrand Aristide as President in the first place. Remember, Ms. Brown? It was he who ignited this mess, not this President. But as usual, you liberals want Conservatives to clean up your mess and give you credit. Quite frankly, you can go to hell Haiti, for all I care.