Monday, February 23, 2004

The Crushing of Dissent

From the Boston Globe:
Protesters at this summer's Democratic National Convention in Boston may be confined to a cozy triangle of land off Haymarket Square, blocked off from the FleetCenter and convention delegates by a maze of Central Artery service roads, MBTA train tracks, and a temporary parking lot holding scores of buses and media trucks.

Under a preliminary plan floated by convention organizers, the "free-speech zone" would be a small plot bounded by Green Line tracks and North Washington Street, in an area that until recently was given over to the elevated artery. The zone would hold as few as 400 of the several thousand protesters who are expected in Boston in late July.

"The area looks a little silly, to be honest with you," said Urszula Masny-Latos, executive director of the National Lawyers Guild's Massachusetts chapter. "People will not be able to express their concerns with whatever will be happening, because no one will have access to delegates. No one will be heard, and the area is just too small."

From the New York Times:
Complicating things for protest organizers, the police, the Secret Service and convention planners have revealed little of their plans. The police have not said where they will allow protesters to demonstrate, though they have said that protest areas would be within "sight and sound" of the convention, a legal threshold. "We're working with protest organizers already,'' said Deputy Police Commissioner Paul J. Browne, "and we will work with them throughout. We want to give them sight and sound proximity, while allowing R.N.C. [ That's Republican National Convention] participants uninterrupted access to and from the convention.''

He added later, "We're looking to save lives, not stifle dissent.''

Matt's Chat

Hat tips to Glenn Reynolds and Matt Drudge for the links.

Freedom of speech is for Uber-Liberals, apparently...

Mark's Remarks

Well, of course only have the right to protest if you agree with liberals...look at how the uber leftist homosexual activists treat homosexuals who are against gay marriage....look at how they viciously eat their own when they step out of line.....

Wow, some party of saying it is patriotic when you disagree with the status quo, I believe that was a Shrillary paraphrase, but it is HER PARTY that is crushing dissent....hmmm...more hypocrisy and out and out lying? You betcha.