Monday, February 23, 2004

Kerry Will Hit HRs if all You Throw are Softballs

From the Washington Post:
On April 23, 1971, before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Mr. Kerry accused U.S. soldiers of war crimes. He recounted that his brothers in arms "raped ... randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan ... and generally ravaged the countryside."

The press has not pressed Mr. Kerry to explain those charges. A case in point was his interview with CNN's Judy Woodruff last Thursday. Near the end of the conversation, she raised the issue, asking: "It's been reported that, well you're aware of this, Vietnam veterans upset with the fact that when you came back from the war ... you were accusing American troops of war crimes."

Mr. Kerry responded with a falsehood followed by a quick shift, "I was accusing American leaders of abandoning the troops. And if you read what I said, it is very clearly an indictment of leadership ... I've always fought for the soldiers."

Even if Mrs. Woodruff had not read Mr. Kerry's testimony — and it is widely available — surely she or her producer had seen the day's work of the most widely-read political columnist in Washington, her CNN co-worker Robert Novak. In his Thursday column, "Kerry and Hanoi Jane," Mr. Novak repeated Mr. Kerry's statements to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and also pointed out that Mr. Kerry was the New England representative to an executive committee meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, at which plans were made to sponsor "war crimes testimony" at the United Nations. A follow-up question beckoned.

Instead, Mrs. Woodruff gave Mr. Kerry a pass. She did not challenge his statement. She failed to ask a single follow-up question about his atrocious accusations. Instead, she teed up a series of softballs for him regarding his primary opponent, Sen. John Edwards. Mrs. Woodruff allowed Mr. Kerry to rewrite history, unrebutted.

Matt's Chat

Preach on, my brother... I really want to see a campaign where the press is on the ball and gives the liberal Democrat the same scrutiny they have given the Texas Air National Guard AWOL story. I'll not hold my breath and encourage our readers not to do so either...

Mark's Remarks

Would someone please explain to me how calling your fellow soldiers rapists, murderers, torturers, and Genghis Khan is going after the leadership of the military? Someone explain how that statement and Kerry's actions was defending and sticking up for Veterans? Unless you are saying that the veterans were too stupid to do anything but rape and pillage without direction? You wouldn't be saying that, would you Mr. Kerry? Do you even know what you are saying?

This whole article shows that the press is taking a hands off approach to Mr. Kerry, even as they pursue this nonstory with the sitting President and his service. More evidence of the liberal bias in the media....more evidence of the press's defacto support and drive to get Kerry elected.

Mr. Kerry maligned and tore at the morale of Vietnam soldiers. He engaged in slander against their efforts in a war started by HIS OWN PARTY. He engaged in mock slaughter to inflame hatred and vitriol against the war effort. He became a traitor to the very people he invites on stage.

Mr. Kerry now covers himself in his veteran status, reminding us every five minutes that he fought in Vietnam. Vietnam didn't seem to matter much to him 11 years ago when he supported Clinton. Vietnam didn't matter much when he voted to give Vietnam special consideration even as that nation continued to not be forthcoming with info about POW/MIAs.

Mr. Kerry has a poor record of supporting his fellow veterans, and of supporting the security of our country. Do not let just the softball interviews convince you. Do some serious research, and you will see Kerry for the ruthless and powerhungry liberal egomaniac he is.