Sunday, February 22, 2004

Expert on Presidential Affair Politics Speaks Out

From Ananova:
Ms Lewinsky made the headlines herself after her affair with then President Bill Clinton was exposed and she found herself besieged by the world's press.

Talking about whether the public should be interested in a presidential candidate's private life she said: "I would really hope people are finally starting to smarten up about this and are starting to judge a candidate for his knowledge and accomplishments, rather than his personal life.

"You know, I've heard it before but it bears repeating: We're electing a President, not a priest."

Matt's Chat

It would help if the candidate in question would stop playing the "Vietnam card" everytime somebody examines his Senate voting record...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, like Monica, you almost made a point....However, the way a candidate regards his family commitments is just as important as his record. Of course, Kerry has no accomplishments in either, so he has to go after Bush for this TANG flap.

Monica, your 15 minutes were up a long time ago....I hear Bill needs a new intern at his office in Harlem, or you could always promote cigars, or Shout! stain remover. Just shut up, you morally depraved, sad and pathetic woman who still does not realize how much she was played by Clinton. You will probably be joining that other airhead Anna Nicole Smith on Trimspa commercials soon, you miserable gasbag.