Sunday, February 22, 2004

Recess Appointment of Pryor to Court

From FoxNews:
Bypassing Senate Democrats who have stalled his judicial nominations, President Bush installed Alabama Attorney General William Pryor on the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday.

Bush praised Pryor as "this leading American lawyer" and complained that the Senate had unfairly blocked him and other White House nominees.

"A minority of Democratic senators has been using unprecedented obstructionist tactics to prevent him and other qualified nominees from receiving up-or-down votes," Bush said. "Their tactics are inconsistent with the Senate's constitutional responsibility and are hurting our judicial system."

Pryor was immediately sworn in in Alabama.

Matt's Chat

This is really not the way the President wanted to install these judges. Here is what Chuck the Schmuck had to say:

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., accused Bush of using a recess appointment to bolster himself with Republican conservatives before the fall election.

"Regularly circumventing the advise and consent process is not the way to change the tone in Washington," Schumer said.

Right...Senator...and blocking an up or down vote on him for political reasons was the right way? I ain't impressed with theatrics, Mr. Senator...

Mark's Remarks

Chuck the Schmuck should read the Federalist Papers, the garbage he and his ilk in the Dimocrapic party are exactly the type of oligarchists the founding fathers feared. Congratulations, Schmucky, you are the worst American government has to offer. Great work, holding up cases in courts because of your party's vitriol and liberal agenda. Way to look out for the American people, you nimrod.