Monday, February 23, 2004

Marines to Haiti

From Newsday:
Fifty U.S. Marines were headed to Haiti on Monday to protect the American Embassy and diplomats after rebels overran Haiti's second-largest city and began detaining supporters of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Western diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Marines were requested after rebels threatened to attack the capital, Port-au-Prince, soon.

Two police stations outside Port-au-Prince were attacked Sunday, independent Radio Kiskeya reported, and Aristide supporters began building barricades to protect the city.

The Marines are sending a Fleet Anti-Terrorist Security Team, which usually consists of about 50 troops trained in anti-terrorism techniques, a Defense Department official said on condition of anonymity in Washington. The team is used to secure embassies and other facilities or ships.

Matt's Chat

Here we go again... I must be honest, I haven't been following this one. But, didn't we just do this not that long ago???

Mark's Remarks

Well, Matt, once again Mr. Bush is called upon to clean up another of Mr. Clinton's messes in foreign policy. When you spend your presidency with your pants down, this is what your successors have to face. See, liberals, your irresponsible foreign policies and propping up of this guy without serious research shows you are not the ones to be running the show now. You claimed Clinton's resolution of the Haiti crisis was going to be long lasting....nope, not at all...just like his meetings with Arafat, just like his stance against the ethnic cleansing, which still is going on. Wow, great record there, willie, NOT!!! But of course, Bush will get the negative heat from this, because the libs will say it happened on his watch, but if the other guy would have done things right the first time, none of this would have been necessary...Just like the 1993 bombings, the Cole incident, the embassy bombings...just think, if Clinton actually would have had stones or even brains, UBL would be dead or rotting in a cell, thanks to the Sudan....but no, we have to bow at the altar of the UN, to consider it a legal issue rather than a security issue...great work again...