Monday, February 16, 2004

An Honest Politican Retires After ONE TERM

From Fox News:

When a long-serving politician retires, we’re often treated to windbag editorials from newspapers and columnists about the virtue of public service, and how the latest retiring politician contributed to it.

Never mind that one of the ways one becomes a long-serving politician is by building up constituencies by doling out pork and patronage, and that many long-serving politicians spend their careers lusting after the perks and privileges of power.

When Congress adjourns this year, Sen. Peter Fitzgerald, R-Ill., will retire after just one term. He’s retiring because his own party has turned on him and promised to run a primary candidate against him. That’s because this particular senator decided that while he was in office he’d be his own man and vote his own conscience. He wouldn’t be a lackey for his party, he wouldn’t vote pork home to his state, and he wouldn’t do what the special interests who run his party told him to do. And that got him into trouble.

Hat Tip: Michael Demmons, the DiscountBlogger.

Matt's Chat

This is a shame really. Even Republicans engage in this pork spending and when a politican comes along who really wants to do the right thing, he gets the shaft. This is the kind of politican we need in America. Integrity goes a long way with me...