Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Perry on Kerry

From Perry on Politics:
What exactly did Bill Clinton ever do that substantially helped the black constituency? He gets much credit by black leaders yet they can't point to a single thing besides using them for photo opportunities. Meaningful acts were not accomplished. Yet someone who has promoted blacks throughout his administration and given Colin Powell and Condi Rice some of the highest positions in his administration is considered evil.

President Bush's administration is a wonderful microcosm of the American scene for which he does not get credit.

The real play for any minority would be to put their vote up for grabs. Right now, the Republicans know that blacks vote overwhelmingly Democratic so they are "ignored", and the Democrats know that they have the black vote so they also
"ignore" them. Nothing ever gets done, no progress towards anything.

Matt's Chat

Right on Tim...and the key point is that both sides of the aisle are "ignoring" minorities and why. Folks, go read the whole thing...

Mark's Remarks

Well, if minorities would quit being dupes of the Dimocan't party, and drinking the Kool Aid of the plantation mentality (sorry Jerome, I would like to help you, and I will, someday, so vote for me now....10 years later- sorry, Jerome, I would like to help you, but the country is not ready yet...i am fighting for you for me again). The Republican party has been the key party in the Civil Rights struggle, including getting the Civil Rights Acts under Johnson passed, and now giving increased high level government opportunities to people of color. Yet, the liberal elite and their liberal media lapdogs try to paint the other picture, that it is conservatives who don't care about the black community and minorities. If that is so, why have them in high level positions, real high level positions that are key in policy, like SecState and NS Advisor, eh? No, let's just buy into race baiting pandering and take token miserable appointments who are walking stereotypes like Jocyln Elders. Wise up, people. Time to come off the plantation of lies and deceit and look at the truth. While you have been voting Democratic, crime continues to go up in your communities, and welfare has done nothing but ingrain cycles of poverty. I think it is high time you begin to show the Dims you are not automatically in their camp, and make them actually do something to earn your vote other than photo ops and lip service, and pimping out churches.