Friday, March 05, 2004

Congressional Black Caucus' Ties to Aristide Questioned

From the Cybercast News Service:
A conservative black pastor says the White House and the State Department should investigate the Congressional Black caucus relationship with exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

What do Congressional Black Caucus members have to gain by keeping Aristide in power? asked the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. Do CBC members, their family, or friends have business interests in Haiti, he wondered.

"These questions must be answered. We need to get to the truth about what has been going on," said Peterson, who heads a group called Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny. (Peterson, who supports various conservative causes, is out with a new book called SCAM: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America.)

Peterson said he finds it "disturbing" that the Congressional Black Caucus is backing "a corrupt and brutal man like Aristide."

Matt's Chat

You know, I really don't like being a cynic and all, but...this Reverend makes a good point.

We demand an investigation! It was Big Ketchup! Lie after lie after lie after lie! The whole thing was cooked up in Port-Au-Prince!

The double standard and hypocrisy is almost too much to take...

Mark's Remarks

Note, this IS A BLACK PASTOR WHO IS DEMANDING THIS INVESTIGATION!!!! But wait, he must be an uncle Tom or a traitor to his race, right Dimcan'ts? At least, that is what you will paint this man of God as, as you do anyone who does not fit into your convenient racial profile of black people or other people of color.

Rev. Peterson is dead on. Aristide, a man who at one time was a priest, was engaging in ruthless methods as President of Haiti and was becoming rich off of illegal drug trade and influence peddling. Yet, these government officials who are supposed to defend democracy are continuing to defend this maniac. The Black Caucus is all about covering itself, and it is all about pandering and peddling. If they can gain a few votes by making themselves appear to be relevant again, they will do it. Who cares if a shady Aristide engaged in killing opponents, or if he was into drugs? He is black, and he likes us Congressional Socialists in the Black Caucus, so we have to keep him. Who cares how many he murdered? Who cares how much drugs he shipped to the US? Wow, the black caucus sounds about like the French in their dealings with Saddam.

I demand an investigation. If any little misstep or slip can be investigated to try to sink this President, then I think it is time for some quid pro quo. It is time to investigate these Socialist, bigoted members of the Black Caucus, and their friends the Aristides of the World, and look into the idiocy of this group. They don't care about blacks, they don't care about the people of Haiti. All they care about is inciting racial strife and getting their names in the paper.